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Unlocking Partnership for Clean Energy in Ruvuma Landscape

Increase demand for energy and limited livelihood options are major threats to the Ruvuma Landscape biodiversity. Adoption of renewable energy technologies provides opportunities for communities to exploit the benefits of clean energy resources.

However, various studies indicate that there is still very low adoption of such technologies among rural communities in Ruvuma Landscape. This is despite investment and availability of various technologies in energy by various stakeholders.
This backdrop prompted Tanzania Traditional Energy Development Organization (TaTEDO) with facilitation from WWF Tanzania to organize a workshop with an eye to raise awareness on renewable energy, energy efficient and alternative cooking technologies.
The two-day workshop held at Mtwara between 31st August and 1st September 2018 was graced by Athumini Omary on behalf of the Mtwara District Executive Director (DED) and attended by 26 government officials, CSOs, Energy entrepreneurs and community representatives.
In her opening remarks, Ms Athumini, applauded the workshop and committed her office to promoting renewable technologies at community level for greener future.
Participants were introduced for the first time to RE, energy efficient and alternative cooking technologies to the (solar, improved cook stove, biogas, briquettes, eCook, charcoal production).
The hands on approach to demonstration exposed participants to improved Cook stove and eCook. In addition, the participants were presented with findings from the Baseline Survey.
Shima Sango, the Project Manager from TaTEDO, said the workshop goal was to mobilize all key stakeholders to promote sustainable use of clean energy.
Using the baseline findings conducted under the SIDA Leading the Change Programme the workshop highlighted on current energy situation and provide inputs for detailed planning of the energy interventions in Ruvuma Landscape.
In addition participants were trained on Solar, Improved Cooking stove, biogas,briquttes, ecook and Charcoal Production
“At this point, we are working closely the Governors, WWF Tanzania and stakeholders to disseminate information and education on energy saving technologies. Baseline findings have clearly indicated the need to promote energy efficient and alternative cooking technologies .For you who are here today you are our champions. You have the responsibility to build the capacity of communities and institutions, though information and education we provide,” said Mary Lema-TaTEDO.
The two days’ workshop was successful in formulating Energy Action Plan for Mtwara District Council to further increase use of sustainable, clean and affordable renewable energy.
Moreover, the workshop strengthened CSOs networking and involvement in energy dialogues alongside decision makers at local level.
In the course of evaluating the sessions the participants articulated on their experience in learning about energy serving technologies.
“The sessions have increased my understanding of designing improved cook stove. I have been in business for six years now; I never had a chance to learn in such a formal and practical way. From now on, I will produce durable energy efficient stoves’ ‘said Yazidu Hillary, a local stove producer.
Expressing her desire to attract more clients for the stoves Ms Mariam Zubery said:  “The information I have gained will help me choose genuine stoves from suppliers. In addition, I can now convince my clients to purchase improved cook stove because I understand and I have seen how efficiency the stoves are in saving charcoal. Before I will tell my clients the stoves were just good. Now I can say more on how the stoves  conserve our trees, save time and improve health of women’’.
Leading the Change: Civil Society, Rights and Environment Programme is a five -year SIDA–funded progamme.Its ultimate goal is that people and communities in programme areas are effectively exercising their rights, controlling decisions and equitably receiving benefits from natural resources, and contributing to the sustainable management of key ecosystems and habitats.
 Geographically the program is implemented in the Ruvuma Landscape includes District Councils of Rufiji, Kibiti Kilwa, Lindi Rural, Mtwara Rural, Namtumbo and Tunduru.
© Diana Shuma
Energy Partners in a group discussion