- Leon Brown, UK
- Emmanuelle Landais, France
- Shana McRae, Canada
- Naureen Nayyar, US
- Franziska Peuser, Germany
- Margaux Tharin, Switzerland
Initiatives for Sustainibility
Population, Health, Environment – Successful Communities from Ridge to Reef, Fort Dauphin (Toliara Province)

The spiny forest is home to many succulents that are under threat. Many face loss of habitat to the invasive prickley pear, some of which can be seen in this photo taken near Ankirikirika, March 2008
The programme aims at promoting sustainable conservation of biodiversity in pilot sites surrounded to targeted priority areas of the Spiny Forest Ecoregion by addressing identified population threats.
To fulfill this long term goal, it tries to contribute to the reduction of biodiversity loss through promotion of awareness, attitudes and behaviour that are positive to the natural environment. That these are specifically related to the ability and motivation of people to take part in conservation, population growth, and sustainable use of natural resources.
It is to be noted that short term achievements are expected to contribute to mid and long term impacts
To fulfill this long term goal, it tries to contribute to the reduction of biodiversity loss through promotion of awareness, attitudes and behaviour that are positive to the natural environment. That these are specifically related to the ability and motivation of people to take part in conservation, population growth, and sustainable use of natural resources.
It is to be noted that short term achievements are expected to contribute to mid and long term impacts
February-May 2008
Management of Vondrozo Forest Corridor, Vondrozo, Fianarantsoa (Atsimo Atsinanana Region)

Tavy - the slash & burn method of agricultural practice is main threat to habitat loss.
The Vondrozo Forest Corridor is 70km long and approx 10km wide and links the Reserves of the Vondrozo Forest and the Pic D’Ivohibe.
The Vondrozo Forest Corridor is rich in biodiversity with approx. 65 plant species, 7 species of lemurs and more than 60 bird species, most of which are endemic to Madagascar.
However, local communities are very dependent on the forest and a lot of slash and burn (“tavy”) and hunting takes place in this area.
The aim of the WWF project is to assist and motivate the local communities to identify ways to manage their natural resources in a more sustainable manner.
One of the main activities is to create awareness on the importance of the forest and the transfer of forest management to the local communities.
The Vondrozo Forest Corridor is rich in biodiversity with approx. 65 plant species, 7 species of lemurs and more than 60 bird species, most of which are endemic to Madagascar.
However, local communities are very dependent on the forest and a lot of slash and burn (“tavy”) and hunting takes place in this area.
The aim of the WWF project is to assist and motivate the local communities to identify ways to manage their natural resources in a more sustainable manner.
One of the main activities is to create awareness on the importance of the forest and the transfer of forest management to the local communities.
May-August 2008
- Charles Cauchon, Canada
- Silvia Crespo, Spain
- Jamila Lisbeth Haider, Austria/Canada
- Elizabeth Johnson, Canada
- Sarah Lafond, Canada
- Manora Leneveu, France
- Aurore Sajhau, Switzerland
April-June 2007
- Andrew Beguin, Switzerland/US
- Lauren Prince, US
- Sonam Rabgye, Bhutan
- Jasmin Sander, Germany
Community Forest Project in Midongy du Sud
The Moist Forests in South-Eastern Madagascar contain a very rich biodiversity, and the development of its flora and fauna is spectacular thanks to a very favourable climate. However, this is threatened by the activities of the local population whose lives depend on the forest's natural resources.
With a view to the participatory management of forests with local communities, WWF has been implementing the Community Forestry Project in Midongy du Sud in three stages since 2003. The project is funded by the Swedish National Development Agency (SIDA). WWF’s mission is to protect, develop and restore the forest for the well-being of the local communities. WWF’s intervention sites in the Midongy du Sud region are located in the Forest Corridor between the Midongy du Sud Befotaka National Park and the Vondrozo Forest Reserve. The implementation is carried out in the framework of three main sections: 1) Forest conservation; 2) Gender approach, and 3) Development of alternatives to slash and burn cultivation (tavy).
With a view to the participatory management of forests with local communities, WWF has been implementing the Community Forestry Project in Midongy du Sud in three stages since 2003. The project is funded by the Swedish National Development Agency (SIDA). WWF’s mission is to protect, develop and restore the forest for the well-being of the local communities. WWF’s intervention sites in the Midongy du Sud region are located in the Forest Corridor between the Midongy du Sud Befotaka National Park and the Vondrozo Forest Reserve. The implementation is carried out in the framework of three main sections: 1) Forest conservation; 2) Gender approach, and 3) Development of alternatives to slash and burn cultivation (tavy).
September-December 2008
- Arthur Chan, Canada
- Deborah Chevalier, Switzerland
- Andrea Du Rietz, Sweden
- Sarah Jackson, Canada
- Marisa Alexandra dos Santos Queiroz Valério, Portugal